Showing posts with label antidepressants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antidepressants. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Creation of Psychopharmacology - David Healy(Review)

This is a very difficult subject to address. It is contentious, opinions are divided, and I'm sure David Healy has made more than a few enemies because of this text. Be warned, I have neither time nor inclination to fully assess the merits of his argument. So in the interests of fairness I provide these links for reviews of this work. Be clear, not just because of this text but also because of a longstanding interest in understanding behavior(not professionally) I have to concur with the main thrust of Dr. Healy's argument. As recent posts on this blog have indicated(Psychotherapy and Drugs: A Dangerous Combination? , Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy) I am, like David Healy, challenging some of the fundamental assumptions driving modern psychiatry and psychology.

I cannot address all the issues raised by this text. That would take 10,000 words and this post is 2,000 words. I do strongly advise those who are interested in this matter to find this book, read it, and think very carefully about it. 

BTW, I become very angry at the end of this post.